De­tailed con­fer­ence pro­gramme

You can find the detailed conference programme online here.

Pro­gramme over­view

Tuesday: Informal Gathering

  • Where: Brauhaus, Kisau 2, 33098 Paderborn
  • When: 18:30 Uhr
  • What: Menu à la carte, Self-payment

In the table below you can find a programme overview for each conference day.

Wednesday Thursday Friday
09:00 10:00 Check-in +  Coffee  09:00 10:30 Sessions 09:00 10:30 Sessions
10:00 10:30 Opening Ceremony 10:30 11:00 Coffee Break 10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
10:30 12:00 Keynote 11:00 12:00 Poster 11:00 12:30 Keynote
12:00 13:30 Lunchbreak 12:00 13:30 Lunchbreak 12:30 14:00 Lunchbreak
13:30 15:00 Sessions 13:30 15:00 Sessions 14:00 15:30 Sessions
15:00 15:30 Coffee Break 15:00 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 15:45 Change of Rooms
15:30 17:00 Sessions 15:30 17:00 Keynote 15:45 16:15 Farewell +  Coffee
17:00 17:15 Change of Rooms            
17:15 18:15 SIG Meeting From 18:30 Gala Dinner at Schützenhof      

In­form­a­tion for each sub­mis­sion format

Symposia provide an opportunity to present research on one topic, often from multiple perspectives, compiling a coherent set of papers for discussion. Participants of symposia sessions are four presenters, one discussant, and a chairperson. The presenters need to come from at least three different countries. The task of the chairperson is to direct the session and manage the time. While the presenters will orally present their research, the discussant’s task is to summarise and interactively discuss the presented research. A key goal of symposia is to generate interactive discussions among presenters and the audience, so please consider how this can be achieved.

A symposium is scheduled for 90 minutes, allowing four presentations with 15 minutes of time per speaker, ten minutes for the discussant, and 20 minutes for open discussion. Symposia will take place in the two auditoriums.

In each room, in which symposia will take place, a computer, digital projector, and internet access will be provided. Own computers can be connected to the projectors via a provided HDMI cable.

Paper sessions are oral presentations of four papers, followed by a short discussion with the audience. A chairperson will moderate the session and manage the time. 

Paper sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Four presenters are given 15 minutes presentation time each followed by about five minutes for clarifying questions and a short discussion. The residual ten minutes can be used for a more general discussion. However, some sessions have less than four presentations. Here the time regime is less strict.

In each room, in which paper sessions will take place, a computer, digital projector, and internet access will be provided. Own computers can be connected to the projectors via a provided HDMI cable.

Interactive poster sessions involve a small number of posters, visually presenting research studies at any stage as well as theoretical contributions. The poster presentations will take place in a setting reminiscent of a gallery and the audience will gather as a group. A short oral presentation of a few minutes (max. 3 minutes) is given by each presenter in front of their own poster, followed by a free individual in-depth discussion between presenters and audience after all posters in a session have been introduced. The poster sessions offer researchers the chance to present their work in a visual format and offer more opportunities for interaction and discussion. The poster session will be moderated by a chairperson.

Poster sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Posters should be printed in either A0 or A1 format. As we cannot print posters at the conference venue, presenters are responsible for bringing their own posters along or to visit a nearby copy shop at their own expense.

Materials for fixing posters on the walls or poster boards will be provided. You might consider bringing handout versions of your posters for distribution purpose.

Roundtable sessions offer opportunities for a more discursive exploration of research issues than paper sessions. This may as well involve discussion of works in progress and non-perfect data. The presenters explain their research and research issue and invite the participants to help solving a problem or to discuss emerging data. As the name suggests, roundtable sessions will take place at a board-room style table. Three presenters will present their research in about 15 minutes directly followed by a discussion. The roundtable session will be moderated by a chairperson who also keeps track of the time.

Roundtable sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Presenters are free to decide on how to present their research. However, one or two-sided handouts are usually preferred. Please note that presenters and audience in this format sit in a circle or square. Presenting via projector is therefore strongly deprecated. Please do not prepare slides that need to be projected via a computer.